婷姐专栏 · 2019-10-17
纽约当地时间2019年10月15日下午,嘉宾大学创办人吴婷出席了2019联合国全球企业社会责任峰会,获得“全球企业社会责任领袖奖”,并被授予全球企业社会责任基金会可持续发展委员会联合主席(Co-Chair at Sustainability Committee of Global CSR Foundation)的职位。
Hello everybody, I'm Wu Ting, the founder of JIABIN University.
It's a great honor for me to win the "CSR Leadership Award" at UNGlobal CSR Summit. I am happy to share some of my experience about how I have come along and my thought about corporate social responsibility.
I was an investigative journalist in the first decade of my career, focusing on the hardships of the people and helping them out. I have attended to issues including medical disputes, land transfer, animal protection, searching forlost relatives, and helped people solve these problems. I was once put in confinement for some shots I have taken; I travelled overnight to visitdisaster sites for recording and rescuing; and I once searched for a missing gun in the mountain with policemen for three days without any sleep...
I once spent 700 days to produce the SWARM LIFE OF BLACK BEE,a documentary recording the relationship between animals and human beings; I have made a documentary, Tree Knows Everything, showcasing the growth of a number of China’s left-behindchildren.
All the above-mentioned works won professional awards of various kinds.
The most important and valuable thing for me is that I have spent one decade tofeel the people and the nature in this world and to feel their honor, disgrace,sorrow and joy. And also, it is my career that has grown my responsibility onhuman beings and the society.
During the second decade of my career I founded JIABIN University.
Jiabin University is not a traditional one, instead, it is innovation-based. Offline,we have trained hundreds of business leaders of China. We took them to visitthe best enterprises in the world forsite survey and business case study. And this process in turn also helped thevisited benchmark enterprises to develop better. Online, by taking advantage ofthe way and the ingenuity introduced for shooting documentaries, wecollaborated with famous business schools, renowned professors, and benchmarkenterprises to produce excellent case movies that have influenced hundreds ofmillions of users in three years. In three days, the Case School— our videocase platform— will be launched globally. In the future, top-class cases willbreak the boundaries of time and space, and become accessible for everyone.
Now I am an advocator and doer of new business study, innovative case study. This is a very honorablething that gives me a sense of mission. Our alumni are the strongest engine inthe world, they create value and wealth, and they keep exploring on the path ofcorporate social responsibility.
As all our teachings are based on cases, I would like to share three cases withyou.
iFLYTEK,a company founded by several alumni of Jiabin University, is the Asia-Pacificregion's largest listed company for artificial intelligence and intelligentvoice. A lot of applications of iFLYTEK's voice recognition technology can befound in the fields such as office, education, medicine, and safety. Much tomany people's surprise, they have the technology that can correct the pronunciation of thedeaf-mute and make them be able to talk with healthy people. Now more than 500thousand deaf-mutes have learned to speak under the help of the technology by iFlytech.
Our alumni Cindy (MiWenjuan) founded VIPKID in 2013, an online language education brand that growsfastest in the world. As of August 2019, more than 90 thousand North Americanteachers have signed up to join the company and the number of students hasexceeded 700 thousand.
In March 2017, VIPKID launched the Rural Education Project, where children inremote rural areas were able to have live interactive English classes withforeign teachers. Up to now, more than 1,000 rural schools in 30 provinces inChina have been covered by the project for six consecutive semesters. Inaddition, more learning resources and product packages including 25,000 Englishlearning videos and 40,000 audio clips have been sent to more rural schools.
Wanda Group is the largest real estateenterprise in the world.Since 2015, Wanda Group has been engaged in atargeted poverty alleviation program in Danzhai County, a poverty-stricken areadesignated by the national government. The company have provided overall helpsto Danzhai County through long-term, mid-term and short-term programs. It hastotally donated 2.1 billion yuan, built a vocational college and a tourismtown, and established the poverty-alleviation industrial fund. TheDanzhai tourism town donated by Wanda attracts more than 5 million touristseach year, powering the overall development of 20 big industries and 50sub-industries in Danzhai County. Danzhai County successfully got rid ofpoverty in 2018, two years ahead of the schedule.
To continuously promote thebrand of Danzhai and to attract more international tourists to the destination,Danzhai Wanda Village has rolled out a global recruitment campaign to seekrotating mayors for the Village. Influential individuals are invited to serve asthe mayor to raise awareness about Danzhai and the program. In two years, we’vewelcomed close to 100 mayors from China and abroad and the program is stillongoing. If any of you is interested in becoming a mayor, you can reach out tome and a green channel will be made available for you.
The cases of above-mentioned three companies respectively echo the UN's sustainabledevelopment campaign in such three aspects, as the decent life and work of thedisabled, the quality education of village children, and the local industryinnovation and infrastructure. The companies have practiced their corporatesocial responsibility.
Essentially,those three companies represent respectively China's artificial intelligence,internet and big data, and modern service industry. In the era of new business,thanks to China's strong technology power, innovative spirit, and Chineseentrepreneurs' hardworking, wisdom, pragmatic and enterprising spirits,enterprises can not only create great business value, but also work better toenergize the whole society. I'm proud of the alumni of Jiabin University andprouder of China's new business era.
There are a lot of more such cases and I have always been recording and involving inthem. Starting from this month, Jiabin University will work with the Global CSRFoundation,start from China to lead and call forentrepreneurs, investors, and scholars to jointly echo the sustainabledevelopment goal set by the UN. Each participant will sign a commitment to conductinga concrete action and do the action, and finally contribute their share for theglobal sustainable development. A journey of one thousand miles cannot becompleted without small steps and rivers cannot be formed without smallstreams. I believe, under the lead and participation of social engines oneafter another, love and happiness will evolve into the strongest power thatwill bring the most practical results for global sustainable development.
【About Wu Ting 吴婷 · 简介】
Founder of JIABIN University, "Chief Question Officer"in business circle, doer of case study, and advocator of new business study.
Once working in media industry for 14 years, Wu Tingtraveled a lot as an investigative journalist to attend to people's livelihoodduring the earlier stage of her career, speaking for the people, becomingpopular among the people, and promoting social progress. Later on, she becamecommitted to recording business of the times. She has done in-depth interviewswith hundreds of benchmark enterprises across the world and produced valuablematerials. During the serial videos WETALKTV and CASE SHOOL that has nearly one hundredepisodes, she had insightful conversations with hundreds of business leadersincluding Roland Berger, Nobuyuki Idei, Yan Yan, Xiong Xiaoge, Shen Nanpeng,Liu Qingfeng, Zhou Hongyi, Yao Jinbo, and Ma Dong, making her the watcher onthe prow and the weathervane of value.
Since the establishment of JIABIN University, Wu Ting has come alongwith the growth of entrepreneurs and managers from nearly 300 listed companies,unicorn enterprises and BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent), leading them to visithundreds of global benchmark enterprises for on-site survey and study,practicing the concept of "the community of industries," and helpingenterprises grow together. In the meantime, Wu Ting innovatively integrateddocumentaries with case teaching. She worked with well-known enterprises andprofessors across the world to jointly build the Case Library, providing thepublic with top-class cases of business school.
Wu Ting has been invited by many major forums forspeech and teaching, such as UN CSR Summit, Smart China Expo, Global MobileInternet Conference, China Fund of Funds Summit, and China Human Capital Forum.She has been invited to serve as the long-term special guest host of manyplatforms such as Pedaily.cn, China Investment, Sina, NTES, Phoenix TV, 36Kr,MatrixPartners China, Lenovo, and iFLYTEK.
Co-chairperson of the GlobalCSR Foundation Sustainable Development Committee;
Business Mentor at Renmin University of China;
Urban Development Consultant at the People's Government of Wu Hu;
Strategic Brand Consultantfor Dozens of High-Tech Companies.
"CSR Leadership Award," UN Global CSR Summit;
ECI AWARDS: Innovative Talent of The Year;
The Best Female Entrepreneur at Lieyunwang.Com;
Jiabin University was listed among “New Brand” by Southern Weekly;
The Most Popular TV Show of PPTV granted for WETALKTV;
Production of the documentary [TREE KNOWS EVERYTHING]won ANTHROPOLOGICAL AWARDS and GOLDEN KAPOK AWARDS. This documentary recordsthe growth of a number of China's left-behind children and triggers enterprises' heated discussion and thinking of corporate social responsibility;
Production of the documentary [SWARM LIFE OF BLACK BEE] wonINTERNATIONAL GOLD PANDA AWARDS and CHINA ACADEMY AWARDS OF DOCUMENTARY FILM.Production of this documentary took 700 days, recording the relationship between animals and human beings;
Torchbearer of Athens Olympic Games in 2004 andBeijing Olympic Games in 2008.